Published crosswords
After years of solving, in 2020 I began constructing crossword puzzles for submission to the mainstream and independent outlets that run them. Here is a list of published puzzles, with links to solve where available.
2024/12/16 | Puzzmo | Ooh! Ooh! (11×11) |
2024/10/18 | Puzzmo | Instant Film (11×11) |
2024/09/18 | Puzzmo | Such Great Heights (7×13) (with Brooke Husic) |
2024/09/12 | The New York Times | Untitled (Thursday) |
2024/08/02 | Puzzmo | Did you not hear me the first time? (11×11) |
2024/06/20 | Puzzmo | Consider enjoying this puzzle with some pale ale (11×13) |
2024/05/18 | Los Angeles Times | Untitled (Saturday) |
2023/10/06 | Universal Crossword | Game Faces |
2023/05/17 | The New York Times | Untitled (Wednesday) |
2023/03/31 | The New Yorker | Hit Rewind (with Ross Trudeau) |
2023/02/02 | Universal Crossword | Travel Packs |
2023/01/28 | The Modern Crossword | Cross-Border Connections (with Brooke Husic) |
2022/12/14 | Los Angeles Times | Untitled (Wednesday) |
2022/06/16 | The New York Times | Untitled (Thursday) (with Ross Trudeau) |
2022/01/15 | Wall Street Journal | Carbon Neutral (with Jessie Bullock and Ross Trudeau) |
2021/09/22 | Universal Crossword | Don’t Burn After Reading |
2023/05/02 | AVCX Classic | Tunnel Vision |
2022/10/30 | Rossword Puzzles | Pop-up Scare (with Ross Trudeau) |
2022/10/02 | Rossword Puzzles | Let’s Split Dessert! (with Ross Trudeau) |
2022/07/22 | Boswords Summer 2022 | Acting Shifty (tournament puzzle 4) |
2022/05/25 | AVCX Classic | Low Scores (with Malaika Handa) |
2022/03/27 | Rossword Puzzles | Labor Unions (with Ross Trudeau) |
2022/03/20 | Rossword Puzzles | Where Do You Get Off?! (with Ross Trudeau) |
2022/01/20 | QVXWordz | Exit West (Grid Charlemagne) |
2022/01/09 | Rossword Puzzles | Chap Shtick (with Ross Trudeau and the Cursewords Live Crew) |
2021/09/22 | Adam Aaronson | Recycled Packaging (with Adam Aaronson) |
2021/03/28 | Rossword Puzzles | Evergreen Content |
2021/03/07 | Rossword Puzzles | Baby’s First Word (with Ross Trudeau) |